IPL Therapy in St. Petersburg, FL


IPL Therapy


LJ Aesthetics Medicine proudly uses the Lumecca IPL device for advanced photo-facial treatments. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy address many skin conditions and concerns. Lumecca IPL is a unique laser treatment device that applies short bursts of broad-spectrum light that deeply penetrate pigment in the second layer of the dermis. Lumecca’s precise laser technology targets pigment at its source, leaving surrounding healthy tissue unaffected. There are multiple conditions IPL therapy can treat, including:
Freckles, age spots, and sunspots
Redness and broken capillaries
Varicose veins

We love IPL because it can be used on the face, neck, hands, arms, and body. It stimulates collagen production, and it’s non-invasive, so you can 

get back to your daily activities without interruption or pain.

Ready to schedule an IPL therapy ? Click ‘Book Now’!

IPL Therapy


LJ Aesthetics Medicine proudly uses the Lumecca IPL device for advanced photo-facial treatments. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments address many skin conditions and concerns. Lumecca IPL is a unique laser treatment device that applies short bursts of broad-spectrum light that deeply penetrate pigment in the second layer of the dermis. Lumecca’s precise laser technology targets pigment at its source, leaving surrounding healthy tissue unaffected. There are multiple conditions IPL therapy can treat, including:
Freckles, age spots, and sunspots
Redness and broken capillaries
Varicose veins

We love IPL because it can be used on the face, neck, hands, arms, and body. It stimulates collagen production, and it’s non-invasive, so you can 

get back to your daily activities without interruption or pain.

Ready to schedule an IPL treatment? Click ‘Book Now’!


Lumecca IPL is a unique laser therapy device that applies short bursts of broad-spectrum light that deeply penetrate pigment in the second layer of the dermis. Lumecca's precise laser technology targets pigment at its source, leaving surrounding healthy tissue unaffected.

IPL targets brown and red skin areas and can treat a variety of skin concerns. Brief bursts of light can target rosacea, acne, broken capillaries, sun-damaged skin, spider veins, hyper-oily skin, psoriasis, and more.

IPL delivers quick pulses of broad-spectrum light deep into the dermis. IPL wavelengths absorb excess pigment to give the appearance of a more even complexion. IPL also stimulates collagen production resulting in firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

Your expert aesthetician will perform a thorough consultation and project the number of treatments you will need to achieve your goals. Some patients are happy after one treatment, while others require more.

The effects of IPL therapy are revealed over time. You may see results as soon as 14 days post-treatment. Many patients require multiple treatments to achieve their desired results.

You will see the most significant results three to six months post-treatment. You will notice steady progress over time in both complexion and suppleness.

There is no downtime or discomfort following an IPL therapy. You must avoid hot showers, saunas, and vigorous workouts for 24 hours after your treatment. Apply sunscreen and stay out of direct sunlight as you are at greater risk for sunburn. Last, follow post-care treatment instructions given by your aesthetician.

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