Sculptra Treatment in St. Petersburg, FL

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Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) injection that promotes natural skin regeneration through collagen production. As we get older, our cell turnover slows, leading to changes in skin texture and suppleness. Sculptra is used to treat deep creases and folds and restore volume loss. The results of Sculptra injections are revealed slowly over time as PLLA rebuilds protein structures and encourages a more youthful appearance.

What concerns does Sculptra treat and where can it be injected?

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Sculptra stimulates collagen production to improve the appearance of smile lines, temples, and cheeks. It increases volume and tightens the skin.

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Skin Tightening 

Sculptra can be injected into the knees, elbows, or abdomen to improve the texture and tone of loose skin.

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The chest is one of the most challenging areas to address when it comes to aging. Sculptra can stimulate collagen production to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the décolleté.

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Booty Lift

Sculptra can be injected into the buttocks to stimulate collagen production, leading to a more rounded and lifted appearance.

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Strategic injections of Sculptra can be made into the legs, thighs, flanks, and arms to minimize the appearance of cellulite. Smoother and tighter skin will be revealed as the structure of skin proteins is redistributed.

NOTE: Sculptra results can last between two to three years. You’ll first see results three to four months post-treament. Schedule your appointment with LJ Aesthetics to see if Sculptra is the right treatment option for you!

What concerns does Sculptra treat and where can it be injected?


Sculptra stimulates collagen production to improve the appearance of smile lines, temples, and cheeks. It increases volume and tightens the skin.


Skin Tightening 

Sculptra can be injected into the knees, elbows, or abdomen to improve the texture and tone of loose skin. 



The chest is one of the most challenging areas to address when it comes to aging. Sculptra can stimulate collagen production to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the décolleté.


Booty Lift

Sculptra can be injected into the buttocks to stimulate collagen production, leading to a more rounded and lifted appearance. 



Strategic injections of Sculptra can be made into the legs, thighs, flanks, and arms to minimize the appearance of cellulite. Smoother and tighter skin will be revealed as the structure of skin proteins is redistributed.


Sculptra results can last between two to three years. You’ll first see results three to four months post-treatment. Schedule your appointment with LJ Aesthetics to see if Sculptra is the right treatment option for you!



Sculptra is a prescription injectable collagen stimulator created with poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). While Sculptra results won't appear immediately, over the course of three to five months, you'll notice a significant improvement in skin texture as vital protein structures are restored.

Sculptra is strategically injected into areas of concern to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture due to aging, volume loss, and cellulite. Results are gradual and will be visible within three to four months.

While results of Sculptra injections are not immediate, after three to four months, you will see a significant improvement in the suppleness and texture of your skin. Sculptra is an excellent addition to a skin-rejuvenating treatment plan.

Results can last between two to three years. Maintenance appointments are encouraged for long-lasting results.

The number of Sculptra treatments varies from person to person. On average, we recommend at least three treatments spaced two to four weeks apart.

You may experience light bruising following your Sculptra treatment. We recommend scheduling your appointment two weeks before any special occasion or event.

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